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Cherry Tree
Image by Markus Winkler

What is a Food Forest?

A food forest is a diverse, layered planting of edible and medicinal perennials which mimics the ecosystem and patterns found in nature.

Cherry Tree

The Layers of a Food Forest

  • Canopy (large fruit, nut, maples)

  • Understory Small Trees (dwarf fruit trees, elderberry)

  • Shrubs (Currants, Raspberries)

  • Herbaceous Plants (Rhubarb, Asparagus, Chives)

  • Ground Cover (Clover, Strawberry, Peppermint)

  • Roots (Horseradish, Walking Onion, Arrowhead)

  • Vines (Hops, Grapes)

Organic Asparagus

Benefits of a Food Forest

  • harvests of fresh, locally grown food

  • biodiversity & resilience

  • weed prevention/ suppression once established

  • natural pest control/management

  • high density planting ensures high yields

  • improves soil health

  • lower maintenance compared to annual plants (including less water!)

  • deepens your connection to the food system and the Earth

  • sequesters carbon into the soil through living root systems vs. an annual garden that is left fallow.

Food Forest Planting Projects

At Fed by Forests, our Food Forest Planting Projects are the heart of our mission. We are committed to transforming community spaces into vibrant, sustainable ecosystems that not only nourish the land but also bring communities together.

How It Works:

  1. Inviting Community-Based Organizations: We extend an invitation to community-based organizations such as schools, food pantries, local governments, and more, to apply for a food forest to be planted on their site. These organizations become partners in our mission to create accessible and sustainable sources of fresh, locally grown food.

  2. Application and Approval Process: Once applications are received, our team carefully reviews and evaluates them. We work closely with these organizations to understand their needs, vision, and the unique characteristics of their site. Upon approval, we move forward to the exciting phase of designing a customized food forest plan tailored to their specific space.

  3. Plant Collection and Sourcing: We take pride in our commitment to sustainability. To bring these food forests to life, we source plants from our own plant stock whenever possible. Additionally, we collaborate with local plant nurseries, seeking tax-exempt in-kind donations to ensure a diverse selection of plants for the food forest. This not only supports local businesses but also fosters a sense of community ownership.

  4. Community Engagement: Our planting events are true celebrations of community spirit. We work hand in hand with local volunteers to promote the planting event within their community. This involvement ensures that the project is not just about planting trees but also about building connections, educating the community about sustainability, and fostering a shared sense of responsibility.

  5. Logistics and Preparation: The success of a planting day lies in meticulous planning. Our team ensures that all necessary supplies are prepared and present on planting day. From soil amendments to tools, we handle the logistics, allowing volunteers to focus on the fulfilling experience of planting a food forest.

  6. Ongoing Support: Our commitment doesn't end with planting day. We provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure the food forest thrives. This includes workshops, educational materials, and a continuous dialogue with the community to address any concerns and foster a sense of pride in their newly established green space.


The Impact: These food forest planting projects not only contribute to the creation of sustainable food sources but also act as catalysts for community engagement, education, and environmental stewardship. Together, we're cultivating change, one food forest at a time.

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